Nov 2015 – Royal College of Music Junior Department
Sunday 15th November
Professor Viktoria Grigoreva from the Royal College of Music Junior Department visited the academy with three of her students aged 13-17. The day was divided up into various activities, in the morning two groups of four local young violinists had the opportunity to receive tuition from Professor Grigoreva in two 2-hour blocks. During this time the visiting young violinists had the opportunity to rehearse in the concert hall with the visiting professional pianist Maria Tara sewicz.
We then held a buffet lunch for all students, teachers and parents to meet, leading into the afternoon concert in which the stage was handed over to the three visiting young violinists Sienna Bramwell-Pearson, Denis Sahnovics, and Mila Ferramosca. A truly outstanding concert enjoyed by all! We would like to thank the Jersey Arts Trust for their support towards our ongoing friendship with the Royal College of Music Junior Department, and look forward to welcoming Viktoria back next year.