Mar 2016 – End of Spring Term Concerts


End of Term Concerts


March 2016, JAM


A whole range of concerts to give all students the opportunity to perform in front of a friendly audience of family and friends:

  • Fri 18th March 7pm = Grace Garnier and students
  • Sat 19th March 11am = Tara Copus and students
  • Sat 19th March 2pm = Julie Robinson (toddlers/minis) and students
  • Sat 19th March 5pm = Young Pyo Lee and students
  • Sun 20th March 11am = Chris George and students
  • Sun 20th March 4pm = Emmanuelle Dumas and students
  • Sun 20th March 6pm = Andrew/Claire Harvey and students
  • Mon 21st March 6pm  = Julie Robinson and students
  • Tue 22nd March 6pm  = Pippa Lumbard, Morag Copus and students
  • Wed 23rd March 7pm = Georgina Sutton, Brent Connan, Sam Bisson and students


All concerts are free of charge with a retiring collection in aid of the Antoine Trust.