March 2014 – 16 New Street with the National Trust


16 New Street concert series with the National Trust

March 24th-28th 2014

For the academy’s Spring Term Project Week the beautiful Georgian property of 16 New Street, owned by the National Trust, became a centre for a whole week of student concerts.  In total, six concerts took place during the week, giving the opportunity for around one hundred young musicians to perform solos and ensembles.

Flutasia ensemble at 16 New Street

The week was divided into six different concerts for the different instrumental disciplines of Flute, Percussion, Brass, Piano, Violin, and Cello.  The concert room itself presented a warm and intimate environment for the children to perform in front of family and friends.  At the end of each concert snacks and drinks were served in the lounge, and a retiring collection helped to raise funds for the National Trust.  In total the week raised over £500 for the National Trust.

Mini-Cellos at 16 New Street

We are very grateful to Chris Addy from the National Trust for all his help in allowing this project to take place, and to the Jersey Arts Trust for their continued support of the academy’s Projects and Events.

Percussion duo at 16 New Street