29th/30th June 2018
The Vermont Brass Guernsey Tour was a lot of fun & a real success!
The group performed in a concert on Saturday morning with Guernsey Music Service Brass at their music centre open day both on their own & they were also invited to join the Brass band to perform a lively finale of Riverdance.
After some free time in St Peter Port there was a moment for a photo shoot modelling the new JAM polo shirts:
This was followed by a well received session of busking:
Back to the harbour, and ice cream & some high drama table football teachers v students!! Safe to say the teachers did their best to hold their own against tough competition!! (I have a feeling the students won though!! )
A thoroughly enjoyable 24hrs of great music & performances! A big thank you to all involved & especially to Neill Hadden for helping to make it possible!
Pippa Lumbard
JAM Brass Tutor
Mon 2nd July 2018, 7pm
The opportunity for all children taking ABRSM and Trinity exams this term to try out their pieces in front of a friendly audience. Free entry with a retiring collection.
Sunday 8th July 2018, 3pm
The opportunity for all senior students to perform substantial solo programmes, and for the various JAM Small Ensembles to perform. JAM teachers to perform too. Inspiration guaranteed! This concert is open island-wide, and tickets are available from the Jersey Arts Centre Box Office tel:700444.